mercredi 20 octobre 2021

Nuget Library to get all types that implement an interface in all assemblies and referenced assemblies

I am struggling to find a good answer on this.

I need to scan all the classes that implement an interface IDomainEvent.

The problem is that those types are in projects that are not necessarily loaded. For example, if my main assembly is WebApi, there is a dependency on Application, which depends on Domain, which depends on DomainEvents

therefore, I don't have an "easy" way to get all the types that implement IDomainEvent and are in *DomainEvents.csproj projects

Is there any nuget library that can dynamically navigate through all referenced projects/assemblies and its subdependencies and is able to retrieve all types implementing an interface?

It happens at startup once, so I'm not too concerned about performance.

PS: The following method returns 0, as expected, because the assemblies are not loaded

var allDomainEventTypes =
    .SelectMany(x => x.GetTypes())
    .Where(t => t.IsAssignableTo(typeof(IDomainEvent)) && !t.IsInterface)

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