mardi 14 mars 2023

Convert csv row to java object

I'm writing a program that requires using a CSV as the database (I'm well aware this is questionable choice but at the moment I have no other option) and I'm trying to figure out a way to generalize the implementation. So far I have implemented indexing successfully but this requires passing the entire row as a string and parsing it in the constructor of the "entity" which is not ideal and is error prone.

I have managed to implement a processor that extracts all the fields that have getters:

public class EntityProcessor {
    private boolean isGetter(Method method) {
        return Modifier.isPublic(Modifier.methodModifiers()) &&
                method.getName().matches("^get[A-Z].*") &&
                !method.getReturnType().equals(void.class) &&
                method.getParameterCount() == 0;

    private List<Method> findGetters(Class<?> c) {

    public List<Field> getFieldsWithGetters(Class<?> c) {
        var getters = new HashSet<>(findGetters(c).stream().map(Method::getName).map(String::toLowerCase).toList());
                .filter(field -> getters.contains("get" + field.getName().toLowerCase())).toList();

and lets assume I have an entity class similar to (uses lombok library to generate getters):

public class TestClass {
    private Long a;
    private Integer b;
    private String c;
    private String d;

now lets say I have parsed a line of the CSV which was 0,1,c,d. based on the fields in my entity I know that 0 is Long, 1 is Integer and c and d are string. How can I actually use this type to parse the value? .valueOf() does not exist in the field.getType() and I'm not sure how I can invoke it to parse the value. I essentially want something like this:

class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var processor = new EntityProcessor();
        var values = List.of("0", "1", "2", "3");
        var fields = processor.getFieldsWithGetters(TestClass.class);
        for (var i=0; i<values.size();i++){

P.S: I'm aware that the order of the fields is not guaranteed and I'll be using a bit more logic to parse the fields in the correct order, but for this example lets just assume the values are in the correct order of the fields.

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