dimanche 12 avril 2015

How can I correctly use ClassTag with unmarshal?

It seems like I don't fully understand how TypeTags and ClassTags work. I'm trying to create generic function that makes http REST call using Spray. It looks like this

def sendRequest[RQ, RS](userId: String, endPoint: String, body: RQ): Future[RS] = {

val pipeline =
sendReceive ~>
decode(Gzip) ~>
decode(Deflate) ~>

pipeline(Post("http://something", body))

which I attempt to use like this

val result: Future[FetchStreamsResponse] = sendRequest(userId, "v1/get_streams", body)

It gave Error:(161, 18) could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type spray.httpx.unmarshalling.FromResponseUnmarshaller[RS] unmarshal[RS] of course. I tried specifying type as RS : ClassTag : TypeTag but it didn't help. Does use of class tag requires modification of unmarshal function too ? What shall I do ?

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