I have too many entities and registering everyone of them is giving me a headache not to mention the load to instantiate the dbcontext. so I tried to dynamically register the dbsets.
To dynamically register DbSets into DbContext I used the article in this link: text I added an extension as a file:
public static class ModelBuilderExtensions
public static void RegisterAllEntities<BaseModel>(this ModelBuilder modelBuilder, params Assembly[] assemblies)
IEnumerable<Type> types = assemblies.SelectMany(a => a.GetExportedTypes()).Where(c => c.IsClass && !c.IsAbstract && c.IsPublic &&
foreach (Type type in types)
then I made an abstract class called BaseEntity that all my entities implimented.
and inside the ApplicationDbContext I overrode the OnModelCreating method:
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
var entitiesAssemblyInt = typeof(BaseEntity<int>).Assembly;
var entitiesAssemblyGuid = typeof(BaseEntity<Guid>).Assembly;
it works perfectly in migration but when I want to use the dbcontext in my commandHandler to add a row to my table named client I don't know how to call client from context.
doesn't work because I didn't register the dbsets directly into dbcontext and there is no Client in the context.
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