mercredi 28 janvier 2015

Kotlin reflection interoperability with Java

What are the caveats that a developer should be aware of while writing reflective code that works both with Java and Kotlin?

For example, I have an existing library that uses reflection and it works well with Java. However, when I use the same with Kotlin, my reflective code doesn't seem to pick up the annotations on fields.

Here are some of the differences that I noticed.

1. Acquiring a Class instance

// Example 1.1 - Java
Class<?> userClass = User.class; // From a class name
userClass = userInstance.getClass(); // OR from an instance

Getting a Java class instance in Kotlin

// Example 1.2 - Kotlin
val userClass = userInstance.javaClass // From an instance

I'm unable to use the .class facility or the .getClass() method in Kotlin as we do in Java.

2. Delegates

When I use delegated properties in a Kotlin class, the properties that I retrieve have the $delegate suffix. This is a bit contrary to the fields that we get in Java (I do understand Kotlin does not have fields, only properties). How does this affect meta-programming?

However, with delegates I see that most of the methods retain their behavior as they do in Java. Are there any other differences that I have to be aware of?

Making Java and Kotlin interoperable for me would require understanding about 1 discussed above, plus other limitations / differences that Kotlin brings to meta-programming.

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