for some reason I'm trying to dynamically count the number of item of a related collection of an entity.
Dynamically write the equivalent of
Int32 i = Entry(client).Collection(x => x.Contacts).Query().Count();
The dynamic part being on x => x.Contacts
. So:
Client client = Clients.First();
Type t = typeof(Client);
var param = Expression.Parameter(t, "x" );
PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty("Contacts");
MemberExpression expr = Expression.Property(param, pi);
var exp = Expression.Lambda(expr, param);
from here the following runs
Int32 i = Entry(client).Collection(
(Expression<Func<Cclb.Domain.Entities.Client, ICollection<Cclb.Domain.Entities.ClientContact>>>)
but not
//same without the cast
Int32 i = Entry(client).Collection(exp).Query().Count();
it raises:
Impossible to convert from 'System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression' to 'string'
That is, it does not call the 'good' method. Is it possible to have it runs without the cast ?
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