jeudi 31 mars 2016

Is it safe to call kclass.memberProperties on an unknown (Any) object?

I assumed that it's OK to just access members field of a KClass object. But I have found a case when it's not. Both tests throw exceptions.

@Test fun mapProperties() {
    val map = mapOf("a" to "b")
    val cls = map.javaClass.kotlin

Throws: kotlin.reflect.KotlinReflectionInternalError: Incorrect resolution sequence for Java field public open val values: kotlin.collections.MutableCollection<(V..V?)> defined in java.util.Collections.SingletonMap[JavaPropertyDescriptor@10163d6]

@Test fun mapProperties2() {
    val map = mapOf("a" to "b")
    val cls = clsByReified(map)

inline fun <reified T: Any> clsByReified(instance: T): KClass<T> {
    return T::class

Throws: kotlin.reflect.KotlinReflectionInternalError: No metadata found for public abstract val entries: [Not-computed] defined in kotlin.collections.Map[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor@5c1a8622]

Not sure if I stumbled upon a bug or just missing something.

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