vendredi 27 mai 2016

Accessing / executing generic methods via reflection?

I'm trying to dynamically switch out my table annotations' schema values @ Runtime when using EF6.

So here's what I've got thus far:

var builder = new DbModelBuilder()
var dbSetProperties = typeof(T).GetProperties().Where(p => p.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(DbSet<>));

foreach (PropertyInfo property in dbSetProperties)
    Type[] propTypes = property.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments();

    // Iterate the DbSets and set the correct schema
    foreach (Type dbSetType in propTypes)
        // Get the TableAttribute
        var tableAttribute = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(dbSetType, typeof(TableAttribute));

        MethodInfo dbModelMethodInfo = typeof(DbModelBuilder).GetMethod("Entity");
        MethodInfo entityTypeConfigMethodInfo = typeof(EntityTypeConfiguration<>).GetMethod("ToTable", new[] { typeof(String), typeof(String) });
        MethodInfo genericDbModelMethodInfo = dbModelMethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(dbSetType);

        genericDbModelMethodInfo.Invoke(builder, null);
        entityTypeConfigMethodInfo.Invoke(genericDbModelMethodInfo, new Object[] { (tableAttribute as TableAttribute).Name, "NEW_SCHEMA_VALUE" });

What I'm trying to accomplish is something like this (which doesn't work):

builder.Entity<dbSetType>().ToTable((tableAttribute as TableAttribute).Name, "NEW_SCHEMA_VALUE");

Basically, for T I want to pull the DbSets, determine the Class used in the Entity<> generic, get the TableAttribute, and set the Schema to a new value.

Currently, on entityTypeConfigMethodInfo.Invoke, I'm getting an error of "Late bound operations cannot be performed on types or methods for which ContainsGenericParameters is true".

What am I missing?

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