mercredi 18 mai 2016

Use dynamic type in place of TElement in DB Context C#

I created different store procedures and execute them through dbcontext and get results in respected viewmodels. I want to generalize this. I am doing like

switch (report.StoreProcedure)
    case "SP_BranchSaleReport":
        result = context.Database.SqlQuery<BranchReportVM>("dbo.SP_BranchSaleReport").ToList();
        return PartialView("~/Views/Auto/Reports/InnerPartials/SP_BranchSaleReport.cshtml", result);

I want to make TElement in context.Database.SqlQuery<DYNAMICTYPE> dynamic so that I avoid using switch. I was unable to do it through reflection. How can I generalize it and avoid writing number of lines.

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