jeudi 23 juin 2016

Java: determine if a static method is called from an instance or statically

In Java, is it possible to determine whether a static method is called from either an instance of the object, or statically (SomeClass.method())?

To give you an a better idea of what I'm talking about, take look at this code below:

public class SomeClass {

    public static void staticMethod() {

        if (/*called from instance*/) {
            System.out.println("Called from an instance.");
        } else if (/*called statically*/){
            System.out.println("Called statically.");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new SomeClass().staticMethod();//prints "Called from an instance."
        SomeClass.staticMethod();//prints "Called statically."


I understand it isn't good practice to call a static method from an instance, but still, is it possible to differentiate between these two calls? I was thinking that the Reflection API probably holds the key to this.

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