I have two traits and their instance objects defined as following :
package reflection
trait Monoid[T] {
def id: T
def op(lhs: T, rhs: T): T
trait ADTHelper[T]{
type V
def create(value: V): T
def get(adt: T): Any
case class Avg(avg: Double, n: Int)
object AvgMonoid extends Monoid[Avg] with ADTHelper[Avg]{
override def id: Avg = Avg(0, 0)
override def op(lhs: Avg, rhs: Avg): Avg =
Avg( (lhs.avg * lhs.n + rhs.avg * rhs.n)/(lhs.n + rhs.n), lhs.n + rhs.n)
override type V = Double
override def create(value: Double): Avg = Avg(value, 1)
override def get(adt: Avg): Any = adt.avg
object MinMonoid extends Monoid[Double] with ADTHelper[Double]{
override def id: Double = Double.MaxValue
override def op(lhs: Double, rhs: Double): Double = if(lhs < rhs) lhs else rhs
override type V = Double
override def create(value: Double): Double = value
override def get(adt: Double): Any = adt
I want to get monoid instances at runtime from names. Forexample, if i say "min"
, I want MinMonoid
object, "avg"
should give AvgMonoid
object, etc. So i have following setup:
object Test extends App {
"avg" -> "reflection.AvgMonoid",
"min" -> "reflection.MinMonoid",
"max" -> "reflection.MaxMonoid"
"avg" -> "reflection.Avg",
"min" -> "scala.Double",
"max" -> "scala.Double"
val mirror = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
def stringToTypeTag[A](name: String): TypeTag[A] = {
val tpe = mirror.staticClass(name).selfType
TypeTag(mirror, new api.TypeCreator {
def apply[U <: api.Universe with Singleton](m: api.Mirror[U]) =
if (m eq mirror) tpe.asInstanceOf[U#Type]
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Type tag defined in $mirror cannot be migrated to other mirrors.")
def resolve[T](fname: String): Option[Monoid[T] with ADTHelper[T]] = for {
monoidName <- AGGREGATORS_NAME_DICT.get(fname)
adtName <- AGGREGATORS_ADT_DICT.get(fname)
tag <- Option{stringToTypeTag(adtName)}
instance <- Option {
.asInstanceOf[Monoid[T] with ADTHelper[T]]
} yield instance
Now the problem is: I can do:
println(resolve("min").get.op(1.0, 2.0))
but I can't do:
val monoid = resolve("min").get
println(monoid.op(1.0, 2.0))
because the type of monoid
in later is Monoid[Nothing] with ADTHelper[Nothing]
. I am unable to resolve the underlying type T
of trait Monoid[T]
and trait ADTHelper[T]
using the resolve
method I have come up with. How can I modify the resolve
function so that it resolves the traits with Underlying Type T
I know If I call using resolve[Double](...)
, it will work, But I want this to resolve in runtime from the AGGREGATORS_ADT_DICT
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