mardi 17 janvier 2017

Determine Generic type with recursive call

I have a method that has two arguments:

public <P, T> T getT(P p, Class<T> returnType) {
    //This method converts p to an instance of the type T.

More or less, the code goes over all setters of the returnType and calls the getter method on the p:

T t = new T();

Now, while looping over all setters of the T class, I come across a Collection. I want to recursively recall its own method for each item in the Collection. My problem is, that I can't specify the return type since I can't figure out the return type of the Collection I receive. Something like this (pseudocode without reflection):

for(Object o : list) {
    return getT(o, ???);

I tried solving it with a custom annotation where I specifiy the returnType of that collection, but I can't use generics in my Annotation:

public @interface ReturnType {
    public Class<?> value();

So my argument in my getT() doesn't match. How can I fix this without changing my generic type of the getT() method (getT(P p, Class t))?

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