Is it possible to get enum description from variable when enum conforms protocol CustomStringConvertible? Simplified definition is:
enum myEnum: CustomStringConvertible {
case one(p1: Int)
case two(p: CGPoint)
case aaa1
case aaa2
var description: String {
return "useless text"
Without protocol it's easy:
let testCases = [ 10), en.two(p: CGPoint(x: 2, y: 3)), en.aaa1, en.aaa2]
print( String(reflecting: $0 ), terminator: "\t\t" )
=> " en.two((2.0, 3.0)) en.aaa1 en.aaa2"
But with protocol I'm able only to get first two cases
Mirror(reflecting: $0).children.forEach{ label, value in
print( label == nil ? value : (label!, value))
=> ("one", 10), ("two", (2.0, 3.0))
Thus, cases .aaa1, .aaa2 don't have children so I can't separate those cases from each other (except switch-case of course). Within current situation I can extend functionality of that enum but can't edit what was done before.
Is there a way to get general string description for such case?
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