vendredi 28 avril 2017

Get the type of a closed type from the static constructor of the generic class that the closed type derives from

If I have a generic type with a static constructor and a constrain

interface IMyInterface

class MyGeneric<T> where T : IMyInterface
    static MyGeneric()

And a closed type:

class MyClass : MyGeneric<TypeImplementingIMyInterface>

Is it possible, through reflection, to retrieve the type of the closed type (MyClass) from within the static constructor in the MyGeneric? If so, how?

I have tried so far without success:

  • var t = typeof(MyGeneric<>);
  • var t = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().GetType();

I know I can use the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern to do what I want:

interface IMyInterface

class MyBase


class MyGeneric<T1, T2> : MyBase where T1 : IMyInterface, T2 : MyBase
    static MyGeneric()
        var t = typeof(T2);
        // ...

class MyClass : MyGeneric<TypeImplementingIMyInterface, MyClass>
    // ...

I would like to know if there is another approach that can be used in the described scenario.

I accept a No as an answer if that is the answer.

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