I am working on a VS extension that will generate documentation comments for a file. Roslyn provides classes that allow processing of source code and adding the comments. The specific problem I am having is determining the fully qualified name for a base class or interface in a class declaration. For example:
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
public class MyClass: IEnumerable
{ ... }
for which I want to generate:
<seealso cref="System.Collections.IEnumerable"/>
I determine that IEnumerable is defined in System.Collections by looping through each of the using directives to pick up the IdentifierName or QualifiedName and appending the interface name to generate a potential fully qualified name. I then call Type.GetType(potentialFullyQualifiedName), which returns the type if the name is valid, and null otherwise. If the returned value is not null, then I know I have the valid fully qualified name. For the example above, I first try "System.IEnumerable" which returns null. Then "System.Collections.IEnumerable" which returns a type, so I know I have the correct fully qualified name. Everything is good so far.
But if I change the code being processed to this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
public class MyClass : IEnumerable<int>
{ ... }
everything I have tried returns null. IEnumerable is in System.Collections.Generic, so I will limit further discussion to that.
None of:
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<out T>
return a type from Type.GetType(). How do I specify the interface name to get Type.GetType() to return a type rather than null?
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