jeudi 30 novembre 2017

How to invert/inject dependency - MassTransit Consumer

I'm working on a project and everything is working, but I have one tightly coupled dependency that I don't understand how to invert/inject.

The problem is in my Consumer class, which will receive a command message to start a process, which is part of a global message queue services project, e.g. MyCompany.MQ.Services, yet has a tightly coupled dependency on the process the command message tells it to start, e.g.:

public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<MyMessageInterface> context)
    logger = new LoggerConfiguration()

        TightCoupleProcess tcp = new TightCoupleProcess(context);

        logger.Information("{Blah}, {Blah}, {Blah}", context.Message.exampleVar1, context.Message.exampleVar2, context.Message.exampleVar3);


        return Task.CompletedTask;

    catch (Exception ex)
        return Task.FromException(ex);

Task Consume is a part of MassTransit and I cannot modify the signature of Consume as that is actually the implementation of the IConsumer interface of MassTransit.

I guess what I want is a way to invert/inject that dependency so that my global project doesn't depend on the project calling it. I think I have some misapprehension about inversion/injection, but I'm not sure how to articulate my shortcomings. Perhaps what I want isn't possible. I know I can't modify the interface implementation, but I'd be cool if something like the following worked, but since Consume is an implementation of a MassTransit interface, I don't think I can inject an anonymous function from my calling class:

public Task Consume(ConsumeContext<MyMessageInterface> context, AnonFunc() func)

        logger.Information("{Blah}, {Blah}, {Blah}", context.Message.exampleVar1, context.Message.exampleVar2, context.Message.exampleVar3);

        return Task.CompletedTask;

    catch (Exception ex)
        return Task.FromException(ex);

I've managed to get around other dependencies such as message type definitions by using reflection and putting this logic in the MQ.Services project, which allows me to keep all process related code outside of the MQ.serives project, e.g.:

    public void PublishMessage(object msg)
        MethodInfo method = this.GetType().GetMethod("InvokePublish");
        MethodInfo generic = method.MakeGenericMethod(msg.GetType());
        generic.Invoke(this, new object[] { msg });

    public void InvokePublish<T>(object msg)
        Task.Run(async () =>
            await busControl.Publish(msg);


But I can't apply a similar strategy for the Consumer, almost certainly due to ignorance.

If this is possible will someone please point me in the right direction?

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