vendredi 15 juin 2018

Java/scala Reflections getting all methods within a specific class which are annotated

I am writing an event message handler. To handle the reflection, I am using Reflections API (

Each event listener is a method annotated by

public @interface ListenTo {}

and a listener would follow a theme such as:

class Example {

  def onEvent(e: SomeEvent): Unit 

and the code to register the listeners is as follows:

private var listeners: mutable.ListBuffer[(Any, List[Method])] = ListBuffer()

def registerListener(obj: Any): Unit = {
  listeners += Tuple2(obj, getAllMethods(obj.getClass, withAnnotation(classOf[ListenTo])).asScala.toList)

However, on registering a listener, the object is saved within the tuple, but no methods with it, does anybody know why?

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