I built an extension of the Tab class (JavaFX) that, with a few parameters such as the entity class type, literally build an entire GUI around the entity class (table to display, functional add / edit / delete buttons / functional search fields dynamically created from class members / etc). This class needs to be extended in order to be adapted to each entity type but so far i have 4 entities using it and i'm very happy with the results, it saves a LOT of code.
One issue I have is around the dynamic creation of the search fields when initializing the tab. What i do is iterate through the entity class' fields and create either a TextField to search on a String field or a ComboBox filled with the different options if the field has a ManyToOne relationship with another entity type. In order to achieve this, i built a marker interface called TFHService which all of my entities implement. I also have a @HiddenField annotation to exclude fields like IDs, Set for bi-directional mapping, etc. See the code below (note, frienly name is just to give the prompt text a french language since my field names are in english) :
//Create Search Fields Based on Entity Class Members and Annotations
int i = 0;
for (Field field : entityClass.getDeclaredFields())
if (!isFieldHidden(field))
if (isFieldEntityType(field))
FriendlyName friendlyName = field.getAnnotation(FriendlyName.class);
ComboBox searchField = new ComboBox();
searchField.setPromptText("Recherche " + friendlyName.value());
searchField.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener((observable) ->
if (field.getType().getName().contains("Category"))
ObservableList<Category> categories = FXCollections.observableArrayList(categoryService.findAll());
categories.add(0, new Category(null, "Recherche " + friendlyName.value(), null, null));
else if (field.getType().getName().contains("Supplier"))
ObservableList<Supplier> fournisseurs = FXCollections.observableArrayList(supplierService.findAll());
fournisseurs.add(0, new Supplier(null, "Recherche " + friendlyName.value(), null, null, null, null, null, null));
searchFields.put(i, searchField);
FriendlyName friendlyName = field.getAnnotation(FriendlyName.class);
TextField searchField = new TextField();
searchField.setPromptText("Recherche " + friendlyName.value());
searchField.setOnKeyReleased((event) ->
searchFields.put(i, searchField);
private boolean isFieldEntityType(Field field)
for (Class c : field.getType().getInterfaces())
if (c.getName().contains("TFHEntity"))
return true;
return false;
private boolean isFieldHidden(Field field)
HiddenField hiddenField = field.getAnnotation(HiddenField.class);
return hiddenField != null;
The way I have to construct my ObservableLists for the ComboBoxes is what bothers me. I would like to have a way to DYNAMICALLY call the right service's findAll() method to populate these lists, without needing to check the type and repeating code like i'm doing now. I have build a map with the Entity class type as the key and the service as the value (they obviously all need to be autowired too) but i'm struggling to think of a way to achieve this :
private final Map<Class, TFHService> serviceMap = new HashMap<>();
private void initServiceMap()
serviceMap.put(Bill.class, billService);
serviceMap.put(Category.class, categoryService);
serviceMap.put(Customer.class, customerService);
serviceMap.put(Parameter.class, parameterService);
serviceMap.put(Product.class, productService);
serviceMap.put(Sequence.class, sequenceService);
serviceMap.put(Supplier.class, supplierService);
I am sure reflection would allow me to do this (i know there is an invoke method somewhere) but I'm not savvy enough on the topic to put everything i know together and achieve this. I learned a LOT today, my brain hurts quite a bit, I'm very happy with what I achieved but this limits expandability since i need to modify the super class for every type of ComboBox.
I hope this is clear, this code seems very complex to me and i struggled to put my question into words. Please help if you know of a way to somehow invoke the right service's findAll() method using what i've built so far and without the ugly, limiting if / else statement.
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