jeudi 14 février 2019

Reflection: FindMembers returning empty

I'm trying to list all members with a given attribute, I've implemented a method that uses FindMembers but it always return an empty collection. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

public List<MemberInfo> GetMember<TClass, TAttribute>()
    Type type = typeof(TClass);
    Type attributeType = typeof(TAttribute);
    List<MemberInfo> members = type.FindMembers(MemberTypes.All, BindingFlags.Default, Filter, null).ToList();
    return members;

public bool Filter(MemberInfo memberInfo, object filterCriteria)
    return memberInfo.IsDefined(typeof(TestAttribute));

public string MethodName()
    return "test";

When it I call like this:

List<MemberInfo> members = GetMember<TestClass, TestAttribute>();

It returns empty.

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