lundi 17 juin 2019

Get ClassLoader Object from Caller

I have implemented a Plugin mechanism and language packs using ResourceBundles in Java.

It works perfectly fine if I want to get a ResourceBundle from the core program (not from a plugin).

The problem is that I want to add the possibility to create a ResourceBundle that is in the plugin and only works within the plugin.

Plugins are loaded using URLClassLoaders and Reflections. I cannot access (I don't want to) plugin ClassLoaders from the translation class. So, the program loads the plugin and executes a method inside the plugin later (The plugin is not in the Classpath) and that plugin executes the translate method.

In order to archieve this, I want to get the ClassLoader Object from the calling method.

Somethng like this or this might be useful, but I don't see a way to get the Class/ClassLoader and not the name of the class.

I thought that I could use the Stacktrace to get the ClassLoader of the calling method but I can only get the name using .getClassName and no Class or ClassLoader Object of the Caller.

This is what I have:


public static String translate(Locale locale,String s) {
    for (ResourceBundle bundle : getResourceBundles(locale/*,Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[1].getClassLoader();*/)) {
        try {
            return bundle.getString(s);
        }catch (MissingResourceException e) {
            //ignore/next iteration
    return s;


private static Set<ResourceBundle> getResourceBundles(Locale locale,ClassLoader... loaders){
    Set<ResourceBundle> bundles=new HashSet<>();
    for (ClassLoader loader : loaders) {
        ResourceBundle pluginBundle=getResourceBundle(g,loader);
        if (pluginBundle!=null) {
    return bundles;

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