vendredi 21 juin 2019

Get MethodInfo of method labeled with custom Attribute

I am decorating class methods with a custom TriggerHandler attribute.

public class TriggerHandlerAttribute : Attribute

  #region Data Members

  public readonly Type EntityType;

  public readonly TriggerType TriggerType;


  #region Constructor

  public TriggerHandlerAttribute( Type entityType, TriggerType eventType )
     EntityType = entityType;
     EventType = eventType;



[TriggerHandler(typeof(SomeType), TriggerType.Basic)]
private void SomeMethod( ITriggerBasic<SomeType> triggerContext )

I would like to be able to define a parameter-less constructor for this attribute and use reflection to fill in the fields, but to do this, I need to be able to access the MethodInfo of the method that is decorated with this attribute.

Is there a way to obtain the MethodInfo of the method that the particular TriggerHandlerAttribute is assigned to? If so, how can I accomplish this?

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