dimanche 30 juin 2019

No TypeTag available for case class Type

I want to generate a method which will convert an Object into a Map[String, _], and later back from Map[String, _] to Object.

I generate the initial object as follows:

  case class Name (firstName : String, lastName : String)
  case class Documents (idx: String, name: Name, code: String)

  val mName1 = Name("Roger", "Rabbit")
  val myDoc = Documents("12", mName1, "ABCD")

Then following method converts a given Map[String, _] into an Object:

def fromMap[T : TypeTag: ClassTag ](m: Map[String,_]) = {
    val rm = runtimeMirror(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getClassLoader)
    val classTest = typeOf[T].typeSymbol.asClass
    val classMirror = rm.reflectClass(classTest)
    val constructor = typeOf[T].decl(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
    val constructorMirror = classMirror.reflectConstructor(constructor)

    val constructorArgs = constructor.paramLists.flatten.map( (param: Symbol) => {
      val paramName = param.name.toString
      if(param.typeSignature <:< typeOf[Option[Any]])
        m.get(paramName).getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("Map is missing required parameter named " + paramName))


And inside this method I convert the initial Object into a Map[String, _], and back to Object (by invoking the method above):

def fromMapToObject(input: Any) : Unit= {

    println("input: "+input)

    //Converting an Object into a Map
    val r = currentMirror.reflect(input)
    val docAsMapValues = r.symbol.typeSignature.members.toStream
      .collect{case s : TermSymbol if !s.isMethod => r.reflectField(s)}
      .map(r => r.symbol.name.toString.trim -> r.get)

    println("intermediate: "+docAsMapValues)

    val obj = fromMap[Documents](docAsMapValues)
    println("output: "+obj)


So if I call:


Input and output will match.

Problem, trying to get a step further, I want now to do the same with the field name, which is of type Name. But I want this step to be generic, in the sense that without knowing what is the type of the field name, I could convert it into a Map[String, _], and from Map[String, _] back to Object.

So what I will do now in fromMapToObject is:

  1. Extract from the input a Map[String, _]
  2. Extract from the input a Map[String, Types]
  3. Convert the value of the field name from Name into a Map[String, _]
  4. Revert the 3rd step to get back an Object of type Name

This is how I am trying to approach this new scenario:

def fromMapToObject[T: TypeTag: ClassTag](input: Any) : Unit = {

    println("input: "+input)

    //Converting an Object into a Map
    val r = currentMirror.reflect(input)
    val docAsMapValues = r.symbol.typeSignature.members.toStream
      .collect{case s : TermSymbol if !s.isMethod => r.reflectField(s)}
      .map(r => r.symbol.name.toString.trim -> r.get)

    val docAsMapTypes = r.symbol.typeSignature.members.toStream
      .collect{case s : TermSymbol if !s.isMethod => r.reflectField(s)}
      .map(r => r.symbol.name.toString.trim -> r.symbol.typeSignature)

    // Here I extract from the map the value and type of the attribute name 
    val nameType = docAsMapValues("name")
    val nameValue =  docAsMapValues("name")

    // Converting Name into a map
    val r2 = currentMirror.reflect(nameValue)
    val nameAsMapValues = r2.symbol.typeSignature.members.toStream
      .collect{case s : TermSymbol if !s.isMethod => r2.reflectField(s)}
      .map(r2 => r2.symbol.name.toString.trim -> r2.get)

    type nameT = nameType.type
    val obj = fromMap[nameT](nameAsMapValues)


But I am getting the following error when compiling in Intellij:

Error:(111, 29) No TypeTag available for nameT
    val obj = fromMap[nameT](nameAsMapValues)

I would like to know how could I convert that runtime.universe.Type which is returned from r.symbol.typeSignature into a TypeTag : ClassTag

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