lundi 8 juillet 2019

How use Reflection to condition multiple properties to check for equality in a LINQ .Where statement, depending on what class is passed?

I'm trying to generalize a duplicate checker function, which depending on which type of object, checks the properties said class has (provided in a configuration) are equal to those in another list.

I have decided to create a Dictionary, which will accept a type string for the key (Book, Author, Shop, etc.) and an array of properties that need to be equal.

Example of Dictionary enties:

"Book", ["Title", "CoverImage", "NumberOfPages"] 
"Author", ["Name", "Address", "SomethingElse"]

Then, I pass an object to the function and use Reflection to get the name of the type...


... which I then use to fetch the right KVP from the Dictionary, meaning that if I pass a Book object, I get "Book". We then use that to get the configuration via ...


... which gives us the array of strings that are the properties that we need to check equality on.

I've gotten to the part where I need something along the lines of

list.Where(x => --> for each of the strings in the array - x.GetType.GetProperty(string) && --> same for next string && same for next string

... and then I need to top it off with an...

x.Id != obj.Id

To make sure we check for duplicates based on our logic (different id's and matches on all properties but has different Id's thus - a duplicate).

The end query should look like


someList.Where(x => 
x.Title == obj.Title 
&& x.CoverImage == obj.CoverImage 
&& x.NumberOfPages == obj.NumberOfPages 
&& x.Id != obj.Id)


someList.Where(x => x.Name == obj.Name 
&& x.Address == obj.Address 
&& x.SomethingElse == obj.SomethingElse 
&& x.Id != obj.Id)FirstOrDefault();

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