vendredi 20 décembre 2019

c# Where to find MethodInfo of overloaded operators on primitive types like int via Reflection

I'm currently working with generic classes where I want to find all the overloaded operators of the underlying generic type.
Therefor I use simple reflection like typeof(T).GetMethods(bindingFlags) and then filtering by methodInfo.isSpecialName and methodInfo.Name.StartsWith("op_"); While dealing with primitive types like int and float I got really surprised:
For float I realized there are the rational operators (op_Equality, op_Inequality, op_Greater etc..). But there are simply no arithmetic operators like op_Addition, op_Subtraction etc.
When I tried the same on int, I couldn't even find ration operators. And still no arithmetic ones in sight.
Is there any way to find those operators via reflection so I can treat those types like any other in my generic class? I simply want to generate a popup to choose from, including all operators (either rational or arithmetic).

The BindingFlags I combined using the |-operator:

Instance, Static, Public, NonPublic, FlattenHierarchy

Thanks for any help in advance, greetings BOTHLine

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