dimanche 8 décembre 2019

Metaprogramming - Set fields of arbitary structs in run time

I want to implement a function that given an arbitrary struct will return of deepcopy of the struct with the string fields set to the value field_name+"X". Assume all structs will contain only string fields.

To better explain:

type A struct {
  var_1 string
  var_2 string

type B struct {
  var_3 string
  var_4 string
  var_5 string

a := A{}
b := B{}

aCopy := some_func(a)
bCopy := some_func(b)


Then the program should print

{var_1X, var_2X}
{var_3X, var_4X, var_5X}

I know I can get the field name using reflection but I do not know how to do the rest.

I am expecting the function to have the following signature:

func some_func(s interface{}) interface{}

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