vendredi 23 octobre 2020

Powershell reflection run the function

I have this workable code

        0x09 # Tab key code

Now im trying to invoke EnumWindows

$EnumWindowsUtil = [Windows.Forms.Form].
# Create a list to act as a receptacle for all the window handles we're about to enumerate
$WindowHandles = [Collections.Generic.List[IntPtr]]::new()

# Define the callback function
$callback = {
    param([IntPtr]$handle, [IntPtr]$param) 

    # Copy the window handle to our list

    # Continue (return $false from the callback to abort the enumeration)
    return $true

if($EnumWindowsUtil.Invoke($null, ($callback, [IntPtr]::Zero))){
    # $WindowHandles will contain all the window handles now

The error is:

Object of type 'System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock' cannot be converted to type 'System.Windows.Forms.SafeNativeMethods+EnumThreadWindowsCallback'

How to fix types conflict, and run this code?

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