mardi 20 octobre 2020

Returning a reference of a class property that is strongly typed

In my system there is a bunch of Module classes that all derive from the ModuleBase class. Each of these modules are composed of strongly typed parameters as the following example shows:

 public class TestModule : ModuleBase, ITestModule
     public IParameterArray<bool> param1 { get; set; } = new ParameterArray<bool>();
     public IParameterArray<int> param2 { get; set; } = new ParameterArray<int>();
     public IParameter<int> param3 { get; set; } = new Parameter<int>();

     public TestModule()
         // Initialize default parameters.
         ModuleName = this.GetType().Name;
         ModuleInfo = "This is a Test module";

Now from the outside world I need to access information from these parameters, such as Parameter name, memory location, etc., but I am struggling extracting this information.

Say we had the following instance of TestModule:

var myModule = new TestModule();

And then wanted to extract param1 to be used elsewhere, how could I do that?
Something of the sort:

IParamBase p = myModule.GetParam(string paramName);

Note that both IParameterArray and IParameter derive from IParamBase

So far I came up with 2 ideas, but could not sort either.

  1. Create a List that would contain all the Parameters from a module (probably have to get somehow populated at construction of the module), but I would not know how to populate this list and it is probably not a great idea, although having a list would allow me to use Linq and search the parameter of interest rather easily.

  2. Using reflection, but here I got the problem of not knowing how to cast a PropertyInfo. Here is what I have tried:

    public IParameterBase GetParameter(string paramName)  
        // Get the Type object corresponding to MyClass.
        Type myType = typeof(Interfaces.IParameterBase);
        // Get the PropertyInfo object by passing the property name.
        PropertyInfo myPropInfo = myType.GetProperty(paramName);
        return myPropInfo as ParameterBase;    

I also tried this:

public dynamic GetParameter(string paramName)
  Interfaces.IParameterBase p = new ParameterBase();

  foreach (var param in this.GetType().GetProperties())
          if (param.Name != paramName)
              // Circle through all base properties of the selected parameter
              foreach (var prop in param.GetType().GetProperties())
                  var value = param.GetPropValue($"{prop.Name}");

                  p.SetProperty($"MyNameSpace.{param.Name}.{prop.Name}", value);

              return p;
      catch (Exception e)
        // Log error...

  return null;

Note that I do not want to return a clone as I need to retain some of the references of the properties composing a given parameter. So probably easier to just return a reference of the entire parameter.

Any tips or pointers to help me solving this issue would be very much appreciated :-)

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