mardi 18 octobre 2022

Find object properties of a certain type

I am trying to recursively build a list of all the properties of an object that are of a certain type. Recursion is needed because the object can hold arrays of objects which, in turn, may contain fields of a certain type.

So, if an object has a member of type Wanted, I want that object in the list.

class a
    Wanted m_var;

If an object has an array that contains other objects and these objects contain a member of type Wanted, I'd also like those added to the list.

class b
    int m_whatever;
    a[] m_vararray;

I've been trying all sorts of approaches, including Reflection but I am not getting anywhere. All the attempts were some variation of this

private IList<object> ListOfTypeWanted(object fields)
    IList<object> result = new List<object>();

    System.Reflection.MemberInfo info = typeof(object);
    object[] properties = type.GetProperties();

    foreach (var p in propoerties)
        if (true == p.GetType().IsArray)
            Type t = p.GetType();
            if (p is WantedType)
    return result;

I've also tried Linq statements using Where() but they did not get me any useful results either.

Does anyone know what the best way is to achieve this?

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