lundi 10 octobre 2022


The problem

I have the following code:

Action function = async () => await Task.CompletedTask;

The problem with this code is that even though technically speaking it is an async delegate (one that can be awaited) I cannot await it. In other words, the above could be written equivalently as

Func<Task> function = async () => await Task.CompletedTask;

The latter can be awaited, while the former cannot, even though this is the same method internally. Obviously, this is a contrived example, in my use case more complex code resides in a more complex codebase and it is not easy to spot all misusages.

The question

Can I check the actual type of function at runtime and cast it to the correct one?

What I tried

Code below only throws if I declare function as Func<Task> (aka does not work as I expect it to)

Action function = async () => await Task.CompletedTask;
if (function.GetMethodInfo().ReturnType.IsEquivalentTo(typeof(Task)))
    throw new Exception();

Code below does not even compile

Action function = async () => await Task.CompletedTask;
if (function is Func<Task> func)

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