I'm trying to generate Scala classes dynamically, which then should be used as safe types in SCIO read/write to/from GCP BigQuery.
Target example:
import com.spotify.scio.bigquery._
import com.spotify.scio.bigquery.types.BigQueryType
case class TARGET_TABLE(id: String, name: String, desc: String)
def main(cmdlineArgs: Array[String]): Unit = {
val (sc, args) = ContextAndArgs(cmdlineArgs)
sc.typedBigQuery[SOURCE_TABLE]() // Read from BQ
.map( row => transformation(row) ) // Transform -> SCollection[TARGET_TABLE]
.saveAsTypedBigQueryTable(Table.Spec(args("TARGET_TABLE"))) // save to BQ
As as input there are dataset, SOURCE_TABLE, TARGET_TABLE, list of target fields, so I can build up a string source of generated classes. All these values are retrieved dynamically from other 3rd party (json, xml, etc. ) and can be mutable by every execution.
So, the source of generated classes can be presented as:
val sourceString =
|import com.spotify.scio.bigquery.types.BigQueryType
val targetString =
|import com.spotify.scio.bigquery.types.BigQueryType
|case class $TARGET_TABLE($fieldDefinitions)
These sources are considered to be translated to classes, which types are required for SCIO BigQuery I/O.
Scala version: 2.12.17
I tried to use Scala runtime Mirror and Toolbox (from this answer, from this, etc.). But all variants throw the same error: enable macro paradise (2.12) or -Ymacro-annotations (2.13) to expand macro annotations It's obvious that the Toolbox's internal compiler doesn't see the build.sbt settings:
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.1" cross CrossVersion.full)
Besides that here mentioned that Toolbox is not intended for such complex thing.
So, I decided to apply an approach using the package scala.tools.nsc
as described in this answer. But it throws the same error about the lack of macro annotations.
Thus the main question: is there any chance to add required compiler plugin settings to scala.tools.nsc.{Global, Settings}
or to apply any other approach to generate such annotated classes dynamically?
def compileCode(sources: List[String], classpathDirectories: List[AbstractFile], outputDirectory: AbstractFile): Unit = {
val settings = new Settings
classpathDirectories.foreach(dir => settings.classpath.prepend(dir.toString))
settings.usejavacp.value = true
// Add macros paradise compiler plugin?
val global = new Global(settings)
val files = sources.zipWithIndex.map { case (code, i) => new BatchSourceFile(s"(inline-$i)", code) }
(new global.Run).compileSources(files)
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