I have a dream of "dynamically instantiating case classes" -- and providing some dummy data for the fields depending on each fields type (I'll create some rules for that later)
So far I have some code which works with case classes with String
; Long
or Int
... and am a bit stuck on if its possible to handle embedded case classes
So I can instantiate case class RequiredAPIResponse (stringValue: String, longValue: Long, intVlaue: Int)
but not Outer; where Outer is ...
case class Inner (deep: String)
case class Outer (in : Inner)
The code is
def fill[T <: Object]()(implicit mf: ClassTag[T]) : T = {
val declaredConstructors = mf.runtimeClass.getDeclaredConstructors
if (declaredConstructors.length != 1)
Logger.error(/*T.toString + */" has " + declaredConstructors.length + " constructors --- only 1 currently supported.")
val constructor = declaredConstructors.headOption.get
val m = constructor.getParameterTypes.map(p => {
Logger.info("getName " + p.getName +" --- getCanonicalName " + p.getCanonicalName)
p.getCanonicalName match {
case "java.lang.String" => /*"Name"->*/ val s : java.lang.String = "DEFAULT STRING"
case "long" => /*"Name"-> */ val l : java.lang.Long = new java.lang.Long(99)
case "int" => /*"Name"->*/ val i : java.lang.Integer = new java.lang.Integer(99)
case _ => /*"Name"->*/
So around here I am stuck!
//THIS IS MADE UP :) But I want to get the "Type" and recursively call fill
//fill[p # Type] <- not real scala code
//I can get it to work in a hard coded manner
I feel like the last answer on Scala: How to invoke method with type parameter and manifest without knowing the type at compile time? is a starting point for an answer. So instead of using T <: Object; fill should take ClassTag or a TypeTag?
This code started from - How can I transform a Map to a case class in Scala? - which mentions (as the Lift-Framework does) I do have the liftweb source code; but so far have been unsuccessful in untangling all its secrets.
Thanks, Brent
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