jeudi 25 juin 2015

Is it possible to Turn Off USB Storage on Android Devices programatically?

I have tried to search over and over and got confused whether we can have control over USB storage without rooting the phone,if yes than how? I have tried the following method to enable and disable the permission but all in vain:

StorageManager storage = (StorageManager)getApplicationContext().getSystemService(STORAGE_SERVICE);
 Method method = storage.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("enableUsbMassStorage");
 Object r = method.invoke(storage);

//And to disble mass storage:

StorageManager storage = (StorageManager) getApplicationContext().getSystemService(STORAGE_SERVICE);
Method method = storage.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("disableUsbMassStorage");
Object r = method.invoke(storage);

If anyone has any idea about this please do share your knowledge.

Thanks in advance.

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