jeudi 21 janvier 2016

Java Factory using Generics, .class vs. .getClass()

I searched and tried now for more than a day and could not find a solution for a common problem I have in Java. The reason is obvious - Type erasure. But the question I have is: Is there really no good solution for this problem in Java? I am willing to investigate even more time since this kind of problem pops up every once in a time.

The error I get is:

The method doStrategy(capture#2-of ? extends I) in the type IStrategy is not applicable for the arguments (I)

So I simplified the problem to the following example.

Imagine the model:

package model;

public interface I {

//there are actual 30 classes implementing I...

public class A implements I {

    public void someSpecificMagicForA(){

public class B implements I {

    public void someSpecificMagicForB() {


and the selection logic

package strategy;

import model.A;

public interface IStrategy<T> {

    public void doStrategy(T t);

public class AStrategy implements IStrategy<A> {

    public void doStrategy(A a) {

public class BStrategy implements IStrategy<B> {

    public void doStrategy(B b) {

and a generic strategy factory

package strategy;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import model.A;
import model.B;

public class StrategyFactory {

    static {
        strategies.put(A.class, AStrategy.class);
        strategies.put(B.class, BStrategy.class);
    private static final Map<Class<?>, Class<? extends IStrategy<?>>> strategies = new HashMap<>();

    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // I am fine with that suppress warning
    public <T> IStrategy<T> createStategy(Class<T> clazz){
        Class<? extends IStrategy<?>> strategyClass = strategies.get(clazz);

        assert(strategyClass != null);

        try {
            return (IStrategy<T>) strategyClass.newInstance();
        } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) {
            return null;

And here is the test

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import junit.framework.TestCase;
import model.A;
import model.B;
import model.I;
import strategy.IStrategy;
import strategy.StrategyFactory;

public class TestCases extends TestCase {

    public void testWithConcreteType(){

        B b = new B();

        StrategyFactory factory = new StrategyFactory();
        IStrategy<B> createStategy = factory.createStategy(B.class);
        createStategy.doStrategy(b); //awesome

    public void testWithGenericType(){

        List<I> instances = createTestData(); // image this is the business data

        StrategyFactory factory = new StrategyFactory();

        for (I current : instances){
            IStrategy<? extends I> createStategy = factory.createStategy(current.getClass());
            createStategy.doStrategy(current); //meh
            //The method doStrategy(capture#2-of ? extends I) in the type IStrategy<capture#2-of ? extends I> 
            //is not applicable for the arguments (I)

    private List<I> createTestData(){
        A a = new A();
        B b = new B();

        List<I> instances = new ArrayList<>();

        return instances;

I have tried another approach using guava TypeTokens ( But I did not manage to get this working since I really have no since all I get is that Collection of instances implementing that interface.

I have a working and not so bad solution though using the Visitor-pattern. Since I there have the real classes

...visitor class
public void visit(A a){
   doVisit(A.class, a); //private generic method now works of course

everything is fine again at compile time. But in this particular case it took me quite some time to implement that visitor for more than 30 sub-classes of I. So I would really like to have a better solution for the future.

Any comments are much appreciated.

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