Ive been trying to invoke a count property on a queue. Ive tried all sorts of invoking. How do I get the int value of the count, from the count of a queue?
The syntax im trying to use but doesnt work is
(ConsoleKey)Dequeue.Invoke(InputQueue, new object[] { });
Type magicType;
ConstructorInfo magicConstructor;
object magicClassObject;
MethodInfo HandleInput;
MethodInfo UpdateView;
PropertyInfo IsMenuIdle;
PropertyInfo InputQueue;
PropertyInfo Count;
MethodInfo Dequeue;
MethodInfo GetCount;
public GameStateMachine(Type viewMachine)
magicType = viewMachine; // can replace this with typeof
magicConstructor = magicType.GetConstructor(new Type[]{ typeof(IGameState) });
magicClassObject = magicConstructor.Invoke(new object[] { this.CurrentGameState });
HandleInput = magicType.GetMethod("HandleInput");
IsMenuIdle = magicType.GetProperty("IsMenuIdle");
UpdateView = magicType.GetMethod("Update");
InputQueue = magicType.GetProperty("InputQueue");
Count = InputQueue.PropertyType.GetProperty("Count");
Dequeue = InputQueue.PropertyType.GetMethod("Dequeue");
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