mercredi 11 mai 2016

How to parse a String that consists of a static method so that we can call it?

I'm trying to write a function that receives a string that consists of a static method with a string array as an argument.

For example, let's imagine we have this class with a static method:

package com.stack.examples;

public class Example {

   public static void testMethod() {
       System.out.println("method executed");

Now, our function would be in another class, as follows:

package com.stack.functions;

public class Functions {

   public void parseCommand(String command) {
      //TODO, this is where my doubts lie
      //The given string is always composed of a sequence of Java identifiers 
        //separated by the character ’.’, representing the full qualified name of 
          //a Java method (package.class.method)
       command.execute(); //Would this work? Perhaps reflection would be ideal


My objective is to parse the string given as an argument in parseCommand so that


actually calls the static method with the given arguments (in this example case, the method would only print out "message executed").

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