lundi 12 décembre 2016

how do I write a literal for the class of an array of an arbitrary class

How do I use literals to define parameter types for java.lang.Class.getMethod?

    public class NewTester
        public static void main(String[] args)
            Worker myWorker = new Worker();
            Thing[] argument = new Thing[] { new Thing("book"), 
                                             new Thing("pencil") };
            Object[] arguments = new Object[] { argument };

                            // HOW ABOUT LITERALS HERE INSTEAD OF getClass
            Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[] { argument.getClass() }; 

            Method myMethod;
              myMethod = myWorker.getClass().getMethod("work", parameterTypes);
            catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException e)
              throw new RuntimeException(e);
              myMethod.invoke(myWorker, arguments);
            catch (IllegalAccessException | 
                   IllegalArgumentException | 
                   InvocationTargetException e)
              throw new RuntimeException(e);

        private static class Worker
            public void work(Thing[] argument)
                assert argument.length == 2;
                assert argument[0].value.equals("book");
                assert argument[1].value.equals("pencil");

        private static class Thing
            String value;
            Thing(String value)
                this.value = value;

I tried the following but it fails in the getMethod call with a NoSuchMethodException.

Class<?>[] parameterTypes = new Class<?>[] { java.lang.reflect.Array.class };

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