mercredi 21 décembre 2016

Resolving Generic Interface with Autofac

These are my classes:

    public interface ICommandDtc{
            string Command { get; set; }
            string Xml { get; set; }

     public interface ICommandHandler<in TCommand>
            where TCommand : ICommandDtc
            CommandResult Execute(TCommand command);
            Task<CommandResult> ExecuteAsync(TCommand command);
    public class CommandResult

            public string Description { get; set; }
            public int Code { get; set; }
    public interface ICommandBus{
        Task<CommandResult> SubmitAsync<TCommand>(TCommand command) where TCommand : ICommandDtc;
        CommandResult Submit<TCommand>(TCommand command) where TCommand : ICommandDtc;
    public class CommandBus : ICommandBus{
        private readonly ILifetimeScope _container;
        public CommandBus(ILifetimeScope scope){
            _container = scope;
        public async Task<CommandResult> SubmitAsync<TCommand>(TCommand command)
            where TCommand : ICommandDtc{
            var commandHandler = _container.Resolve<ICommandHandler<TCommand>>();
            return await commandHandler.ExecuteAsync(command);
        public CommandResult Submit<TCommand>(TCommand command)
            where TCommand : ICommandDtc
**//its worked**
            var commandHandler = _container.Resolve<ICommandHandler<IntegerationCommand>>();
            var commandHandler2 = _container.Resolve<ICommandHandler<TCommand>>();
            return commandHandler2.Execute(command);
    public abstract class CommandBase<TCommand> : ICommandHandler<TCommand>
        where TCommand : ICommandDtc{
        public async Task<CommandResult> ExecuteAsync(TCommand command){
            var commandResult = new CommandResult();
                commandResult = await InternalExecuteAsync(command);

            catch (Exception exp){

            return commandResult;
        public CommandResult Execute(TCommand command)
            var commandResult = new CommandResult();
                commandResult =  InternalExecute(command);
            catch (Exception exp)
            return commandResult;

        protected abstract Task<CommandResult> InternalExecuteAsync(TCommand command);
        protected abstract CommandResult InternalExecute(TCommand command);
 public class IntegerationCommandHandler : CommandBase<IntegerationCommand>
        protected override Task<CommandResult> InternalExecuteAsync(IntegerationCommand command){
            throw new System.NotImplementedException();
        protected override CommandResult InternalExecute(IntegerationCommand command){
            switch (command.Command) {
                case "SendDocument":
                    return SendDocument(command.Xml);
            return new CommandResult {Code = 5,Description = ""};
        private CommandResult SendDocument(string xml){
            throw new System.NotImplementedException();

and my Autofac :

   public static IContainer InitializeBusiness()
            if (_lifetimeScope != null)
                _lifetimeScope = null;
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
            var assemblies = Assemblies.GetBusinessAssemblies.ToArray();
            builder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ICommandDtc))).Named<ICommandDtc>(x => x.Name);


            _container = builder.Build();
            return _container;

I tried to use :


          var addFormDtc=new AddFormDtc {CommandName = "SendDocument",SiteCollectionName = "IntegerationCommand",Xml = "1"};
                var obj = _scope.ResolveNamed<ICommandDtc>(addFormDtc.SiteCollectionName);
                obj.Command = addFormDtc.CommandName;
                obj.Xml = addFormDtc.Xml;
                var commandBus = _scope.Resolve<ICommandBus>();
                return commandBus.Submit(obj);
            catch (Exception ex){
                comandResult.Code = 0;
                comandResult.Description = ex.Message;
                return comandResult;

But I'm getting exception in this line :

var commandHandler2 = _container.Resolve<ICommandHandler<TCommand>>();

when i tried manually its worked :

var commandHandler = _container.Resolve<ICommandHandler<IntegerationCommand>>();

exception :

The requested service 'JahadServices.Business.Services.Command.ICommandHandler`1[[JahadServices.Business.Dtos.Command.ICommandDtc, JahadServices.Business.Dtos, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]' has not been registered. To avoid this exception, either register a component to provide the service, check for service registration using IsRegistered(), or use the ResolveOptional() method to resolve an optional dependency.

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