mardi 20 décembre 2016

How do you get the Discriminated Union Type from a Case instance?

Given these two Discriminated Unions I'd like to get the DeclaringType case.

type SingleCaseUnion =
    | One

type MultiCaseUnion =
    | Two
    | Three

An example for each case would be as follows:

getDiscriminatedUnionType One = typeof<SingleCaseUnion> // true

getDiscriminatedUnionType Three = typeof<MultiCaseUnion> // true

My first attempt was to get the case type and get it's base class, this works because in F# a subtype is created for each case.

MultiCaseUnion.Two.GetType().BaseType = typeof<MultiCaseUnion> // true

However, for a single case union this doesn't work because no nested types are created.

SingleCaseUnion.One.GetType().BaseType = typeof<SingleCaseUnion> // false

My second attempt, which aimed to get a more robust solution was to use the FSharp Reflection helpers.


This does work for all cases but it has to generate UnionCaseInfo instances for each case which seems somewhat unnecessary.

Is there Something built in that I may have missed? Something like:


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