I want to convert string to type in scala.Take two following cases as an example:
case class Product(id: String, title: String, description: String)
type aType = Product
client.getProduct[aType](id, "/products").map { x => println(s"Retrieved Product with id '$id': $x") } // Working
// Retrieved Product with id 'test_id': Some(Product(test_id,MyTitle,The text of my Product))
case class Store(id: String, title: String, Address: String)
type aType = Store
client.getStore[aType](id, "/stores").map { x => println(s"Retrieved Store with id '$id': $x") } // working
// Retrieved Store with id 'test_id': Some(Store(test_id, Store Name,The address of my Store))
I want to make this code general for any request, given case classes are already defined. for example
case class Product(id: String, title: String, description: String)
case class Store(id: String, title: String, Address: String)
case class API_Detail(Name: String, CaseClassName: String, Api_Url:String)
var API_List = List[API_DS]()
val request_type = "Product" // or "Store"
val id = "test_id"
val API_List_Item = API_List.filter(_.Name == request_type)
// Want to do like this...
type aType = API_List_Item.CaseClassName.toType /**/
val RequestURL = API_List_Item.Api_Url
/* Interested to know how to convert string to type. To my knowledge
some form of reflection will be implemented. */
client.getRespone[aType](id, RequestURL).map { x => println(s"Retrieved $request_type with id '$id': $x") } // Working
// Retrieved Product with id 'test_id': Some(Product(test_id,MyTitle,The text of my Product))
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