mardi 31 juillet 2018

Using Raw types to dynamically apply type parameters for a reflected subclass


the code I currently have Is working per my expectations. It does what I want it to do. My Question is about wether the WAY in which I have made it work is wrong. The reason I am asking this is because I've seen plenty of stack overflow results about raw types and how they should basically NEVER be used.

What I'm doing and Why I used raw types

Currently I am dynamically creating a concrete subclass of a generic interface where the interface takes in parameters when the class is constructed. When I make an instance of this class and use its returned object to call various methods, I use raw types because it works for what I'm trying to do. Here is an example in my functioning code where the raw types are used. This code is in top down order i.e. between code blocks there is no code.

Loading properties file

Properties prop = new Properties();
    try {

This is the File parser that takes in the data and puts it into an array. This code gets the Class type and then makes an instance of that type dynamically.

Class<? extends FileParserImplementation> parser = null;
parser = Class.forName(prop.getProperty("FileParserImplementation")).asSubclass(FileParserImplementation.class);
FileParserImplementation ParserInstance = (FileParserImplementation) parser.getDeclaredConstructors()[0].newInstance();

These two classes and their instances are the two seperate DataParsers. These take in the array of Strings that the fileParser gives and creates objects/manipulates the data into whatever is needed. It puts out a Collection of this data. The Fileparser dependency is passed in through constructor injection. This can be configured through the properties file at runtime.

Class<? extends DataParserImplementation> dataset1 = Class.forName(prop.getProperty("DataParserImplementation_1")).asSubclass(DataParserImplementation.class);
Class<? extends DataParserImplementation> dataset2 = Class.forName(prop.getProperty("DataParserImplementation_2")).asSubclass(DataParserImplementation.class);
DataParserImplementation Dataset1Instance = (DataParserImplementation) dataset1.getDeclaredConstructors()[0].newInstance(ParserInstance);
DataParserImplementation Dataset2Instance = (DataParserImplementation) dataset2.getDeclaredConstructors()[0].newInstance(ParserInstance);

This is the Crossreferencer class. It takes in the two datasets and Cross references them In whatever way is desired by the actual concrete reflected class. This also can be configured at runtime. It outputs a Map in this main. The map serves as the final collection for the data (I might change that later).

Class<? extends CrossReferenceImplementation> crossreferencer = Class.forName(prop.getProperty("CrossReferenceImplementation")).asSubclass(CrossReferenceImplementation.class);
CrossReferenceImplementation crossReferencerInstance = 
(CrossReferenceImplementation) crossreferencer.getDeclaredConstructors()[0].newInstance();

Getting the Map result from calling a method on our reflected instance. Then the contents of this map are printed out. currently it seems the map parameters are gotten as well because the Objects that are inside the map are properly using their toString methods when reflectiveFinalMap.get(key).toString() is called. This leads me to believe it works as I intend.

Map reflectiveFinalMap = (Map) 
crossReferencerInstance.CrossReference(Dataset1Instance.Parse(), Dataset2Instance.Parse());
for (Object key:reflectiveFinalMap.keySet()) {
            System.out.println(key + " { " + 
reflectiveFinalMap.get(key).toString() + " }");
    return reflectiveFinalMap;
//catch block goes here

Notice that each time I reflectively create an instance of a class that implements one of my interfaces, I use the interface as the raw type. My Hope is that the reflection then sees the parameterized type of this raw type when it creates the concrete subclass, because thats where the parameter types are actually specified. The point is to let any class that implements those interfaces be generic to the point where they can take in just about anything and return just about anything.

Things I tried to not use raw types.

I've tried to actually obtain the parameterized type of CrossReferenceImplementation in the reflected crossreferencer Class that I get right now by calling

Class arrayparametertype = (Class)((ParameterizedType)crossreferencer.getClass().getGenericSuperclass()).getActualTypeArguments()[0];

And then I tried to pass in that arrayparameter when creating an instance of crossreferencer like this:

CrossReferenceImplementation crossReferencer = (CrossReferenceImplementation<<arrayparametertype>>) crossreferencer.getDeclaredConstructors()[0].newInstance();

That didn't work since variable parameter types apparently aren't a thing. I tried to manually specify the specific parameter of the concrete reflected class(I DON'T want this anyway because it breaks the whole point of reflection here, decoupling the Classes from each other by being able to use anythng that implements the appropriate interface). This caused this warning to appear and the code to not actually run the methods it was supposed to:

Map reflectiveFinalMap = (Map) crossReferencer.CrossReference(Dataset1.Parse(), Dataset2.Parse());

The result of the CrossReference method call Was always erased. The compiler gave a warning as such as well saying "Dataset1 has raw type so result of Parse is erased".

A similar error message and problem occured when specifying the parameter type of the Map (AGAIN I DON'T want this because it makes the reflection pointless I want the map return result to be generic and be specified by the implementing class). When specifying the actual parameterized type of the map result the error message was: "crossReferencer has raw type so result of CrossReference is erased".

Running the code did indeed confirm for me that .CrossReference method's results were erased while everything else ran fine.

What internet searches I tried before asking here

So I used the raw types for both operations As can be seen in the main code and everything worked fine. But I have seen so much "Don't use raw types". And this is why I ask: Is this an appropriate use of raw types? Should I do it a different way that DOESN'T break the reflection? It breaks the reflection because manually specifying the type parameter not only makes my code not run, it also means ONLY that concrete class can be used. I reflected so that I could use anything that implements the generic interface. I don't want to only be able to use specific concrete instances. I've tried searching stack overflow for whats in my title and other similar things. I think this might be related to type erasure but I'm honestly not sure of that. Nothing else really addressed this problem because nothing talked about generics, parameterized types and reflection all at once (the crux of my problem). I have been told generics and reflection don't play well together but this code works anyways and works the way I want it to. It works well. I just want to make sure I'm not doing something TERRIBLY wrong.

The Goal.

To make sure that my use of raw types is not horribly wrong and that it works because it's SUPPOSED to work. Maybe I've just gotten good at the whole relfection and generics thing and found a valid use for raw types, or I could be doing something so horrible it warrants my arrest. Thats what i intend to find out. To clarify, by wrong I mean:

bad design (should use a different way to call my methods reflectively and also use reflective classes that use generic interfaces)

inefficient design(time complexity wise, code line wise or maintainability wise)

there is a better way, you shouldn't even be doing this in the first place

If any of those reasons or something I missed popped out when you read this code then TELL ME. Otherwise please explain then why my use of raw types is Valid and isn't a violation of this question:[link]What is a raw type and why shouldn't we use it?

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