vendredi 20 juillet 2018

using reflection for dynamic ExpectedConditions webdriver

I like to have elementToBeClickable to be passed dynamically to ExpectedConditions. so I can call like this


and it executes this below code dynamically

WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, waitTime);    

I read that usingreflection something of that sort can be done and so tried to write something as below. Of course it is not complete by any means but I still wanted to show in case it is useful.

ExpectedConditions is then to be passed in until method of WebDriverWait because that is the final goal.

how can I achieve that or is it even in the right direction?

public void dynamicExpectedConditions(methodName){

Class<ExpectedConditions> expectedConditions = ExpectedConditions.class
Constructor <ExpectedConditions> constructor=expectedConditions.getConstructor(null);
ExpectedConditions econditions = constructor.newInstance(null);
Method method = ExpectedConditions.class.getMethod("methodName");
eConditions = (ExpectedConditions) method.invoke(eConditions, null);


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