I'm working on a code to deserialize streams of bytes into objects and I'm stuck on getting the pointer of the attribute of a struct.
Basically how the code works is as follows: it gets the pointer to a struct, then depending on the type it serializes it, ex. if it's an integer it takes the next 4 bytes. The tricky case is if it's a struct because I have to recursively run Deserialize on all of its attributes and I don't know how to get the address of its attributes to pass them to Deserialize.
func Deserialize(objPtr interface{}, b []byte) (bytesRead int) {
// it should be the address of the object
val := reflect.ValueOf(objPtr).Elem()
valPtr := reflect.ValueOf(objPtr)
// check if either the object or *object is Serializable
_, isSerializable := (val.Interface()).(Serializable)
_, bo := (valPtr.Interface()).(Serializable)
isSerializable = isSerializable || bo
// specific type serialization
if isSerializable{
return objPtr.(Serializable).Deserializebyte(b)
switch val.Kind() {
case reflect.Uint32, reflect.Int, reflect.Int32:
res := reflect.ValueOf(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[:4]))
return 4
case reflect.Uint64, reflect.Int64:
res := reflect.ValueOf(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b[:8]))
return 8
case reflect.Struct:
n_bytes := 0
for i := 0; i < val.NumField(); i++ {
// stuck in here
// I don't think the next line works
last_n_bytes := Deserialize(&(valPtr.Elem().Field(i).Interface()), b)
n_bytes += last_n_bytes
b = b[last_n_bytes:]
return n_bytes
panic("this panic is for debug, every case should be handled above")
res := val.Bytes()
return len(val.Bytes())
return 0
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