vendredi 8 février 2019

Is there a way to make FluentValidation more dynamic?

We just received a phase 1 release from a vendor to translate an archaic PowerBuilder application into C# MVC with Angular 5 (we have an Angular guy that has already mostly rewritten the front end in 7 so the security concerns from 5 are a nonissue). Since the statement of work only required them to reproduce the application there are next to zero validations on input because there wasn't much, if any, on the original application.

I have recently done some research into FluentValidation and like it for its reusability later in applications that will use the same overall data. However, looking at this code the models in the MVC are not normalized like they probably should be and so we have dozens of models that likely could be normalized out so that there would be less overlap in data fields such as First Name, Last Name, Address, Business Address etc.

I have basic experience with generics and reflection and have supported a few more advanced examples in the past. So I was trying to find some way to utilze these two concepts to make the validators more dynamic.

I was unable to find much in the way of more advanced FluentValidation examples other than the basic hard connection to a given named model. I have tried to use the generic T in place of the model but was unable to bridge the gap and access the object being passed into the validation.

 public class FormValidator : AbstractValidator<ModelExample>
     public FormValidation()


//tried to do something like this but wasn't able to access the .HasProperties
 public class FormValidation<T> : AbstractValidator<T>

public class ModelExample
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

public class OtherModelExample
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }

My end goal would be to be able to pass related objects into a given validator and it would be able to determine if the properties existed and act accordingly.

This may be an issue where I don't really know how to ask the question in Google, I tend to have issue wording things in a way where it brings up what I would expect.

This also may not even be possible but if it could save me from writing a series of hard coupled validators that I might have to rewrite later if we ever are allowed to normalize the data flow it would be of great help.

Any articles or documentation with more advanced examples than the simple ones I find would be of great use even beyond this project. Most of the tutorials I find are very basic examples and I sometimes have a hard time picturing them in "real" code application.


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