mercredi 27 mars 2019

The Kephas.Model package seems a bit heavy weight for my requirements. Is there a lighter alternative?

My requirement is to use some kind of metadata system for the entities we use, but extensible, meaning that we need to support some kind of custom metadata additionally to querying for properties and methods. The standard Type/TypeInfo classes are useful to some extent, but they cannot be customized to add specific properties to support various patterns we have: tree nodes, master-detail, and other.

Kephas.Model provides a complex infrastructure for supporting such cases, including advanced features like mixins and dimensions, but this is however a bit too much for our system. We need something more lightweight for the code-first entities we have.

Is there a suggestion about what can we use for this kind of requirements? I noticed the Kephas.Reflection namespace, and this seems like a proper candidate, but I am not sure how to use it properly.

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