I need to load component dynamically in a specific place knowing only the name of component. I read about DynamicLoading on Official Site but its a simple case when you have only one component at time and you have a prepared list of component.
I need something linke this:
var clist = [ "HelloComponent" , "FarewellComponent"];
I need to iterate clist and add dynamically, inside HOOK-PLACE, all component in list having their name.
<HelloComponent />
<FarewellComponent />
I see an example here on Stackoverflow, where a guy used:
@ViewChild('container', { static: true, read: ViewContainerRef }) entry: ViewContainerRef;
as entry point, and then:
const factory = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(HelloComponent);
const componentRef = this.entry.createComponent(factory);
componentRef.instance.name = this.name;
The problem with this solution is: 1. Only one component is loaded; 2. HelloComponent is set directly. Its not a "string";
If you ask why I need this its because I have a list of component on DB as String and I have to load the component as a consequence of a DB call. I have all the component compiled but is the DB to decide which ones to use.
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