mercredi 20 novembre 2019

How to call member methods of all subclasses of a trait?

I've managed to list all subclasses of a given trait using knownDirectSubclasses() with scala-reflect. I'm not sure how to convert it to an instance of the object.

import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}

sealed trait Parent extends Product {
  def toPrint: String = {
    getClass.getSimpleName() + "!!!"

object UmbrellaObj {
  case object Child1 extends Parent {}
  case object Child2 extends Parent {}
  implicit def toString(f: Parent): String = f.toPrint
val tpe = ru.typeOf[Parent]
val clazz = tpe.typeSymbol.asClass
clazz.knownDirectSubclasses.foreach(x => {

In the above example, instead of x.toString(), I want to call member methods of the Child objects.

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