I am trying to extract some tags from some deeply nested structs. The structs were generated from a protobuf message and contain a json tag.
I have pointer to a struct that may contain a struct with fields whose tags that I may want. I can iterate using the type to get the fields of a struct but when I encounter a field that is pointer how do I get its value and then recurse?
// Struct has hierarchy like this
a := &somepb.UpdateRequest{
Updates: []*somepb.UpdateRequest_Foo{
Id: 1,
Foo: &somepb.FooInfo{
Metadata: &somepb.Metadata{
Name: "Foo",
Description: "Bar",
Some: "s",
Things: "o",
Are: "m",
Broken: "e",
Here: "p",
// ParseStruct parses struct tags of given object
func ParseStruct(obj interface{}, tag string) {
r := reflect.ValueOf(obj)
if r.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
obj = r.Elem().Interface()
rv := reflect.TypeOf(obj)
for i := 0; i < rv.NumField(); i++ {
f := rv.Field(i)
// This is to avoid getting tags for Metadata itself (from the struct above)
// which is *Metadata, I want the tags for Name and Description
// inside *Metadata instead
if f.Type.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
value := f.Tag.Get(tag)
if len(value) == 0 {
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