jeudi 30 avril 2020

How to create and set primitive in Golang using reflect

I want to test how my function setFieldValue() works.

func main() {

    value := uint64(0x36)
    resType := reflect.TypeOf(uint8(0))
    expectedRes := uint8(0x36)

    res := uint8(0)
    setFieldValue(reflect.ValueOf(&res).Elem(), resType.Kind(), value)

    if res == expectedRes {
    } else {

func setFieldValue(field reflect.Value, fieldKind reflect.Kind, fieldValue uint64) {
    switch fieldKind {
    case reflect.Uint8:

But I don't want res variable also has type TypeOf(uint8(0)). If I create res as

        res := reflect.New(resType)
        setFieldValue(res, resType.Kind(), value)

it doesn't work because res is unaddressable.

What is the correct way to create variable using reflect and then to set its value in some func?

Or how can I get the instance of newly created variable?

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