vendredi 24 avril 2020

Invoke a method with reflection

I would like to create a method that takes an unspecified object as an argument and uses its methods.

using System;
using System.Reflection;

namespace TestReflection
    class Program
        static void Main(string[]args)
            Test t1 = new Test
                A = 2,
                B = "test"

            Program p = new Program();
            Console.WriteLine("A: {0}", t1.A);
            Console.WriteLine("B: {0}", t1.B);
            Console.WriteLine("MethodWithoutArguments: {0}", t1.MethodWithoutArguments());
            Console.WriteLine("MethodWithArguments: {0}", t1.MethodWithArguments(5));

        private void Reflection<T>(T item)
            Type t = item.GetType();
            object classInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(t, null);
            foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in t.GetProperties())
                object value = propertyInfo.GetValue(item, null);

                Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", propertyInfo.Name, value);

            var temp = t.GetMethod("MethodWithoutArguments").Invoke(classInstance, null);
            Console.WriteLine("MethodWithoutArguments: {0}", temp);

            temp = t.GetMethod("MethodWithArguments").Invoke(classInstance, new object[] { 5 });
            Console.WriteLine("MethodWithArguments: {0}", temp);

    public class Test{
        public int A { get; set; }
        public string B { get; set; }
        public string MethodWithoutArguments()
            return A + " " + B;

        public string MethodWithArguments(int i)
            return A + " " + i;


  1. Normal

    • A: 2
    • B: test
    • MethodWithoutArguments: 2 test
    • MethodWithArguments: 2 5
  2. Reflection

    • A = 2
    • B = test
    • MethodWithoutArguments: 0 // incorrect
    • MethodWithArguments: 0 5 // incorrect

With the reflaction method I get correctly the Parametries but if I call a method, the result is wrong, what am I doing wrong?

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