mardi 6 octobre 2020

Performance impact of using reflection instead of an "Options" class

I am trying to refactor a service by providing some options on what to bring back. I can't decide what is best way to go between the below

A. Use a class for the options Create a new class for the options like

    public class Options
        public bool Addresses { get; set; }
        public bool Documents { get; set; }

and call the services as below

    public List<Entity> GetEntitiesByOptions(List<int> entityIds, Options options)
        if (options.Addresses)
            // Add the addresses

        if (options.Documents)
            // Add the Documents

or B. Use the type of class as a parameter

and use with something like that

    public List<Entity> GetEntitiesByOptions(List<int> entityIds, List<Type> options)
        if (options.Any(x => x == typeof(Address)))
            // Add the addresses

        if (options.Any(x => x == typeof(Document)))
            // Add the Documents

Would there be a big impact in the performance if I use reflection?

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